The Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of Peloponnese (Greece), in partnership with the Institute οf International Relations (IDIS) of Panteion University of Athens and in cooperation with
- the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna (Italy),
- the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) of the Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (France),
- the Department of International Relations of the Yaşar University (Turkey),
- the Department of Economics and Finance of the Neapolis University of Pafos (Cyprus)
offers a Postgraduate Program in Mediterranean Studies. The Program will receive up to 26 students for the academic year 2023-2024.
Description of the Program
The MA in Mediterranean Studies is designed to be a flexible and dynamic umbrella program that covers a wide variety of issues and problems across different disciplines (i.e., Political Science, International Relations, Cultural Studies, and Economics). It is premised on a multidimensional approach to an array of pressing, though interdependent, questions such as conflict, security and nationalism; democratization, civil society and the Arab Spring; Cultures and multiculturalism; women’s issues and activism; economic crisis and development; and energy security and environmental challenges. The structure of the program facilitates the diverse contributions of faculty of the different participating institutions, enabling and sustaining the program’s wide-ranging focus. Α considerable number of the courses are organized with the use of distance learning methods.
New deadline for Application: 11 September 2023
Duration of studies: Twelve months, full time.
Title Awarded: Master of Arts (M.A.) in Mediterranean Studies.
The degree is awarded from the University of the Peloponnese upon successful completion of the program’s requirements. All partnering institutions are explicitly mentioned in the Diploma Supplement.
The program’s requirements correspond to 75 ECTS credits.
Language of instruction: English.
Tuition Fees: Three thousand euro (€3,000). Tuition fees can be paid in three installments. Installments amounts are: 1000€ (upon registration), 1000€ (by 15 January 2024), and 1000€ (by 15 April 2024).
The Department provides two merit-based full tuition fee waivers for economically disadvantaged students coming from non-EU Mediterranean countries with an outstanding profile.
Admission Requirements
The program invites graduates of Departments of domestic Universities and Higher Technological Institutes and graduates of foreign recognized equivalent institutions to submit their candidacy for enrollment. Applicant students should have a degree (at least second class honours) in a relevant field of study (e.g., Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Economics and Law). Applicant students should also have excellent command of English. Previous professional experience and any other relevant skills (e.g., knowledge of other languages spoken in the Mediterranean) will be considered too.
Recommendation letters
The recommendation letters can be submitted in two ways:
1) By mail. In this case the reference letter must be in closed envelope and be sent by mail to the address: University of the Peloponnese, Department of Political Science and International Relations, 1 Aristotelous St. & Athinon Ave, (1st Floor), Corinth, GR-20132, Greece (for the MA MED)
2) By e-mail. In this case the referees should send themselves their letters of recommendation to the following email address pms-med@uop.gr. The sending address must be the official academic or professional email (recommendation letter sent by personal email address e.g. gmail, hotmail, will not be accepted).
Applications should be submitted online until 11 of September 2023, by uploading in a single compressed file the following documents in English:
- Identity Card or passport
- Curriculum Vitae (preferably in Europass format, http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/home )
- Degree certificate(s)*
- Transcript of records of degree(s) (completed or currently studying).
- Diploma Supplement (if available)
- Formal qualification of written and oral proficiency in English (i.e. equivalent to C1 level or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
- A one-page motivation letter
- Other supporting documents (e.g. proof of work experience, additional language skills, etc.)
* Qualifications obtained from Greek-speaking Universities may be submitted in the original language.
For further information, see: https://med.pedis.uop.gr/
Contact : pms-med@uop.gr
(Last update 2/8/2023)